Saturday, June 30, 2012

Leftover Pictures

The Queen's Quarters at The Tower of London

The Tower of London

The Tower of London

Queen's Quarters at The Tower of London

The Tower of London---Crown Jewels are Kept Here!

The British Museum

Beautiful Elizabeth II Gate at Regent's Park

Pretty Flowers at Regent's Park

Not Happy about Modern Shakespeare...

Big Ben (bus view...grr)

Big Ben (bus view...grr)

Big Ben (bus view...grr)

What We Could See of Westminster Abbey...

Melting M&M Cookies

Destroyed TOMS

The Menu from the Old Parsonage Hotel

The Old Parsonage Hotel

Divalicious Airport Attire

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I'm in a better mood since my last post because I'm on my way back from London after having seen the first traditional Shakespeare performance of the trip, The Taming of the Shrew. Whereas the content is hugely sexist, the actual performance was phenomenal! Not only were we in the Globe theater, but we also felt like we were in Shakespeare's time! The actors spoke the exact lines from the play, were dressed in Shakespearean garb, and even really interacted with the audience. One actor even reached his hand out into the crowd after the line "take my hand" and directed his line at a man in the audience! I stood for the first half of the play which was kind of miserable when it started raining (there is a gaping hole in the center of the partially outdoor theater) but I definitely felt like I was more engaged than I was in the second half when I got a seat. Not much else is happening tonight besides reading for our last history class tomorrow. A couple of us had talked about maybe going pubbing and clubbing but it may end up just being a quiet night! That's all for now! Love, E.

The Tempest

Hello all! Sorry I didn't get to post an update last honestly wasnt the best day. We left the house around 10am and didn't get back until was a veryyyy long day! After taking a bus into London, the group headed to the underground to take the tube to the Tower of London. This time, Katie and I finally got to go inside! We had a bit of bad luck beforehand, however. We never ever get much time to eat, especially yesterday so Cathy, Katie, Matt and I went into Wetherspoons, the pub, in the hopes of having a quick meal....however we ended up only having 5 minutes to eat and our group made fun of us for eating on the go. Next, Cathy and I got separated from the group because we were trying to eat so we walked around the crown jewel room and the gift shop where I bought a book of royal wedding dresses and a DVD of the royal wedding! Cathy and I waited for the rest of the group for 30 minutes because they told us to meet at 3:15 but they ended up being late and we didn't know where they were so that was stressful. Next, all of us went to the British Museum which I'd been to on RTH so it was as terribly exciting as before. In transit, my TOMS ripped so I spent most of my time sitting next to the mummy room. Hooray for eternal damnation! Really and truly, all I could think about was the episode of Psych about mummies...Gus and I agree that people's bodies shouldn't be exhumed for others entertainment! Afterwards, Katie, Matt, Cathy and I grabbed some food at the cafe in the museum---this is a good part of the day! All of us were just feeling sick, angry, and tired from traveling as a huge group so we got some food and just laughed about nothing to release the tension in the room!! Per usual, we didn't have a lot of time to eat real food so we spent an hour walking up and down the road looking for dinner near regents park...with only something to be found 10 min before we had to meet the group before A Midsummer Nights Dream. Again, we had to inhale our food and all of us were really angry at this point so we all chugged a mini bottle of wine each. The play was alright...I was a little disappointed because it is my favorite Shakespeare play so I had high expectations. It was a modern adaptation so instead of the play being set in Athens, it was set in a trailer park in new York....British people must think horribly of us because all of the actors were dressed as sleaze balls. I did enjoy the play within the play of Pyramus and Thisby, however! All of the actors were absolutely hilarious and ended up singing their parts :) I also appreciated how wonderfully creepy Oberon was! All in all, it was a good performance but as it is my favorite, I would've liked to have seen it true to its original form....minus the donkey/human porn I'm not joking... Afterwards, the group waited on the sidewalk for a bus that arrived back in Oxford at 1am. Matt, Cathy, Katie, and I were feeling pretty carsick and the whole group was sort of at odds with each other out of sleep deprivation so we decided to take a taxi back. I apologize for this post being a rant....I'm hoping today will be better! Also, Trevor told me that he's visiting the weekend of the 6th so that made me very, very happy!!!  I just had my last Shakespeare class with Dr. Dutton where we studied cue direction in Shakespeare and I'm on the bus in transit to London to see The Taming of the Shrew! Wish us luck!  Love, E.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pictures from Must Needed Update


The Tower of London

Pretty Building 

Mom, you will appreciate this one!

The Tower of London!

Shakespeare's Burial Site!

The Spirit of Shakespeare in the Burial Site!

Shakespeare's Grave!!!

The Memorial Shakespeare Designed for Himself

The First Book of Shakespeare's Plays Ever to be Published!

Shakespeare's Birth Place!

Shakespeare's Birth Place!

Some of the Group at Purple Turtle!

The Group Before Purple Turtle!

Ashley & Me at the Fancy Dinner!

Cathy, Katie, and I at Sarum!

History Class! Love the Hat, Dr. Ehlers!


Katie and Me dancing on the Cliffs of Dover!

Me, Katie, and Cathy at the English Channel!

Cathy and Me Loving England!

Cathy and I Being Divas in England!

Love to all :)


A Much Needed Update

Hello all,

I've been absolutely horrible about blogging lately because frankly, I've been absolutely exhausted. By the time I fall into bed at the end of the night I can barely think, let alone think and type. When we last spoke, I told you that we were going to be off to Winchester. This was a lie! Katie and I woke up really early in the morning to catch our bus to Winchester. We took an expensive cab to the outpost where we were supposed to pick it up...we were in a rush too so the driver charged us a lot more than what we thought it would be. Next, the bus ended up being 30 minutes late so we waited around in the sketchy small room for the bus to arrive....amongst very sassy British people I might add....only to find out that we couldn't in fact board the bus. We hadn't bought our tickets beforehand because a man from the same company (Megabus--->hatred) told us to buy them when we got there because our tickets would be cheaper with student discounts...this AGAIN was a LIE! I am honestly determined that if I could muster up a really good British accent, these people would be nice to me...but seeing as how they hate Americans....they tend to screw me over a great deal (or at least get a jolly good kick out of doing so). Anyhow, Katie and I were flexible and after befriending a very nice British woman, we decided to spontaneously head to England instead. Second point of my blog: TRANSPORTATION IS EXPENSIVE. We spent about 20 pounds getting to England, about 10 to get around the trains, and then the question of food arrived.....either British people don't eat or they are naturally wealthy. For the purpose of my argument, I'm going to settle for a combination of the two. Anyway, once Katie and I got to London we did some exploring. First, we got off at Oxford Circus which is a famous shopping district in London. Catherine and I had scoped it out two weeks ago so I really felt like I knew where I was going! We made the mistake of going into the largest Topshop in the UK....four they were having their annual sale so the place was absolutely FILLED TO THE BRIM with people. Katie and I lost each other in the madness for forty five minutes...without service...and surrounded by British bombshells. Madness. Next, we stopped into H&M which was a little more relaxed. Neither of us ended up buying any clothes because we were so overwhelmed from the Topshop experience, however....goodness me. Next, we decided that we wanted to see Parliament...but as we didn't have a map of London, we didn't know where it was so we got off at the Tower Bridge (London Bridge) stop and walked around. First, we looked at a memorial to the Navy, the Tower of London (just from the outside, we're going there tomorrow. Katie is obsessed with Anne Boleyn so I let her have a moment of silence for her), and best of all, we stalked a group of British high schoolers who were dressed up to go to a party on a boat along the Thames. Why is England so cool? I'm hoping that next year, I will be hitting up some boat parties for sure...that is after all what the northeast is known for (just kidding, but maybe I can start a trend). We walked across London Bridge which had an amazing view of the city at sunset. Also, they've added Olympic rings on the bridge if you look up when you're driving underneath which is really neat! My phone unfortunately had run out of battery so I couldn't take a picture, but Katie got a couple that I will upload once they arrive! Afterwards, we continued to walk around the surrounding area for about 45 minutes before we sat down for an absolutely incredible meal at Cote Brasserie. The best part: the restaurant overlooked the Thames! We each got an amazing chicken, potato, and mushroom dish with a side of sparkling white wine to celebrate our cosmopolitan adventures! After heading back into London and showing off our British/French-American accents, we got on a bus back to Oxford and just absolutely passed out for the entirety of the trip back. The next morning, we awoke (yet again) at the crack of dawn....I'm contemplating filing a law suit towards people that make me wake up before 8's just uncool. Promptly at 8 we got on a coach towards Stratford (again) where we saw both Shakespeare's birth and burial place. Ironically, we started with Shakespeare's burial place...which was incredibly disappointing and modest. I was hoping that the man would've had shrines of his books and flowers all upon his grave, but it was just a very simple display that faced the altar and the stained glass window of the church. The birth place had a performance like one in Disney World with interactive rooms that talked. Although this sounds exciting, the place was so so so so boring and all I could think about was how much I enjoy modern conveniences now! Did you know that the number two cause of death for women during Shakespeare's time was hitting their heads on the fireplace and burning to death? Now you do. Is this information helpful to you in any way? Nope...didn't think so. Next, we went back to the Royal Shakespeare Company to see a performance of Julius Caesar. One thing I really don't like about the RSC is that they are really keen about making all of Shakespeare's works modern. This time, Julius Caesar was based in Africa....which had nothing to do with Rome and it was really hard to understand the actors due to a forced combination of stereotypical African accents in combination with English ones....odd. Also, our tickets were for 1:15, but we got actual tickets saying that we were supposed to come at 7:15 so we got spread out at the 1:15 show into really horrible seats. There was a beam in my face, for example. It didn't matter though because I fell asleep 3 times during the did everyone else! Cathy, Katie, Matt, and I had gone to a really nice cafe beforehand as we watched people try out to be one of the 100 Shakespeares in the Shakespeare festival in Stratford so that must've tuckered us out. Afterwards, all of us passed out on the bus again due to sleep deprivation. Next, we made dinner and decided that since it was a Saturday, we were going to go "pubbing and clubbing". Naturally, we went back to the King's Arms, the bar where we went with our professors after the really nice meal we had where I ran into David Yates from Westminster and all of his Georgia Tech friends! It was completely random, but David and the five guys he was with joined our group of girls and we all hung out at the pub before all of us went clubbing at the Purple Turtle---the notoriously sketchy pub. They are infamous for their Harry Potter themed shots---Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin! I had a Slytherin which was green apple Bacardi and absinthe before having a strawberry liquor/absinthe second shot called "Brookes" which Jarrod picked out for us. Friends and family, beware of absinthe. There is a reason it is illegal in many countries---80 proof drinks are STRONG people! All of us danced for a little before Cathy and I got sketched out by the creepy older men in the club and decided to drunkenly walk back in the rain together. When we got back we laughed hysterically about nothing and ate some pretzels and nutella. This morning came bright and early as Katie and I woke up to go meet Nicolas, the French pilot we met in the bar for a traditional French breakfast. We ended up going to a place in the covered market to have a croissant and a cafe latte! We spoke French together which was really really really cool, and afterwards we thought that it would be fun to explore Oxford for a little while together. We just sort of walked up and down the streets--ironically looking for a Subway that Nicolas loves (Americans must make him crave fast food or something haha). We stopped into the memorial gardens that our group had been to and experienced a very short and random rain storm. Next, we all went to Starbucks (those Frenchies love their coffee) where we talked about all things French and all things American. French people are just the nicest oh my gosh. I am hands down interning in Paris next summer and living with Katie in a space at the Sorbonne. (Jessie, don't worry we'll work England in together also!!!!). Finally, the three of us went to a hamburger place---(for fans of the pink panther, I have officially heard a French person say the word hamburger!!!!!) where we talked further. Also, I forgot to mention that Nicolas gave us the traditional French hello and goodbye---a kiss on either cheek! I feel so Parisian now :) Now, I'm stalling because I have to read for history and I don't want to....but I need to because the group is thinking about going punting (boating) to a pub to watch the soccer game!!!! I'll upload pictures in the next post! Xoxo :)


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dapper Naps and Druids

Today was an adventurous day as it was our second history excursion. It began, however, AT 8AM after a fun night last night so that took some adjusting. First, we went to Salisbury on a bus where legitimately the entire bus fell asleep within ten minutes for the entire duration of the ride! When we got there, we went to St. Thomas Church (an Anglican [!!!!] church!) that has the oldest medieval painting in all of the UK. The painting had recently been restored because the rest of the church looked like it was in the process of being repainted. There were graves in the church....which I have a hard time with because I feel that I'm risking eternal damnation for stepping on people when I don't mean to! Sorry! Next, we stopped by Salisbury Cathedral which was absolutely enormous and gorgeous. Here, Dr. Ehlers and I had a really great conversation about being Episcopalian because he AND Dr. Dutton are Episcopalian also. I forgot to mention yesterday that he rowed for UVA so we have even more in common. Crazy the amount of personal information you get from people if you just spend a little time with them. After we looked around, we stopped in for brunch at a French place in the center of Salisbury where I got the Eggs Royale---a variation on eggs benedict. I'm really glad that I decided to get the small instead of the large because on the bus back all of us felt a little sick. British people drive like bats out of hell sometimes---it really makes me believe in public transportation. Before we came back to Oxford, however, we went to Sarum (spelling?) which was the first official sign of habitation within England. It is also said to have been William the Conqueror's castle sight so we walked around the ruins and I felt like I was paying homage to my horribly french and sexist ancestor! Next, we had planned on going to Stone Henge but we couldn't end up going because of the summer solstice. Also, we later found out that about 100 people were arrested at Stone Henge for drug possession...oh, Druids. How you make me laugh! We came back to veg out for a little before Cathy, Katie, and I went to Keble College with our friends from Oxford. First of all, their college is GORGEOUS. Second of all, the food was amazing! All of us just hung out in one of our friends rooms and talked for about two hours! I'm so, so exhausted now and I probably should head to sleep because tomorrow, we are thinking about heading to Winchester to see Jane Austen's house! EEP! Love to all :)


Man juggling fire!

Performance outside the King and Arms

Performance outside the King and Arms

Picture of Queen Elizabeth drinking a beer in the King and Arms

St. Thomas

St. Thomas

St. Thomas

St. Thomas

St. Thomas

St. Thomas

St. Thomas

St. Thomas

Bridge in Salisbury

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral

Sarum Ruins

Sarum Ruins

View From Sarum Ruins

View From Sarum Ruins

View From Sarum Ruins

View From Sarum Ruins

View From Sarum Ruins

View From Sarum Ruins

Keble College!

Keble College!

Keble College!

Keble College!

Keble College!

Keble College!

Keble College!